Konferenssi oli ihan antoisa, mutta intohimoinen neuloja skippasi viimeisen luennon ja livahti ennen junan lähtöä vielä samoissa tiloissa, työväenmuseo Werstaassa sijaitsevaan Tekstiiliteollisuusmuseoon katselemaan muinaisia kinnasneulakintaita ja 1800-luvun lopulta peräisin olevaa Th:s Petersonin villakehruu- ja kutomatehtaan mallikaappia. Hauska sattuma oli bongata syksyllä 2009 pidetyn neulegraffitityöpajan tuotoksena syntynyt Silmukan taika - neulegraffiti Werstaan portinpielessä.
Kotimatkalla junassa oli ihanaa vain istua, juoda omenalimsaa ja neuloa Veronik Averyn suunnittelemaa Lace Ribbon Scarfia. Lanka on Handun Ahvenmaan huivilankaa sävyssä Munakoiso. Lanka on muinaisvillaa, harvinaista alkuperäisrotua, ohuenohutta, karkeaa ja mystistä, hienonhienoa ja kiehtovaa. Päivänvalossa langan väri on vahvan violetti - tulossa on aika täydellinen joululahja anopille.
PS. Huomatkaa takinhihasta roikkuva, ihana huivini, Simple Lace Shawl by LaLa, lankana Manos del Uruguayn Silk Blend, väri Ruoste.
At the end of last week, I had a chance to visit Tampere as there was a research conference and I had a paper there about my PhD research. I like Tampere a lot: it's a city with a distinctive character of its own not just because of the unique, preserved and listed Finlayson industrial area.
The conference was okay, but, of course, a passionate knitter skipped the last lecture and sneaked into the Textile Industry Museum located conveniently at the conference venue, the Finnish Labour Museum Werstas. There, I admired for instance a pair of ancient mittens made with nalbinding (or is it knotless knitten how it's called in English...?) and a sample cabinet by Th:s Peterson's spinnery and weavery from the end of the 19th century. There was a pleasent coincidence to notice a huge knit graffiti that had been produced last autumn as a result of a special graffiti workshop at Werstas.
During the train trip home, I had a wonderful time to just enjoy an apple spritzer and knit the Lace Ribbon Scarf by Veronik Avery. The yarn is Åland Lace Yarn by Handu, the colourway is Eggplant. The yarn is made of original sheep breed from Åland Islands, it's ultra thin, coarse, fine, intriguing, challenging and mystical - all at the same time. In day light, the shade is strongly dark purple, so I'd say that this will be a perfect Christmas gift for my mother-in-law.
PS. Notice my favourite scarf that hangs from the sleeve of my coat: Simple Lace Scarf by LaLa, yarn: Manos del Uruguay Silk Blend, colourway Rust.