I was surfing on the net the other day to buy some sock yarn, and somehow got a bit dispirited. I am one of those so-called conscious consumers and tend to cherish my own, ethical, ecological, and economical values also whist yarn shopping. The price is only one criterion on my list. Pertaining to animal products such as milk, eggs, meat, or wool, I prize the quality of animal keeping and farm animal welfare the highest. The runner-ups are things like what kind of an enterprise benefits from my euros and where is it located, and the overall concept of the product. Only then my current wishes come into the picture. When speaking of wool, these issues relate to colours, yarn weight, fiber type etc.
Mistä apea oloni johtui? No ihan yksinkertaisesti siitä, että Suomessa tehdään upeita, hienoja lankoja, mutta niiden ostaminen on hankalaa. Pitää liittyä lankaklubiin, pitää seurata päivitysblogeja, pitää lähettää sähköpostia, pitää kysellä, pitää jaksaa odottaa, pitää tehdä kompromisseja, pitää tietää mitä etsii ja mistä. Kauppamiehen taidot tuntuvat olevan tällä saralla aivan hukassa. Tuntuu siltä, kuin seisoisin keskellä toria lompakko pullollaan huutamassa: "myykää mulle lankaa!". Eikä kukaan myy. Supattavat vaan keskenään kojuissaan ja huokaavat, kun ei kauppa käy ja "voi, jos tuolle nyt ryhtyisimme myymään, niin mitä sitten tapahtuisi, voisi tulla toinen ja kolmaskin ostaja ja voi voi, rauhamme olisi mennyttä."
Why did I get so dispirited? Well, simply because I noticed that we have some excellent yarn and wool products and producers here in Finland, but buying them is really strenious. You have to join a yarn club, follow the updates from blogs, send emails, make phone calls, ask around, have the patience to wait, make compromises, know what and where to look for stuff. Business skills seem to be completely an unknown term in this sector. I feel as if I would be standing in the middle of a market square with my purce full of money and screaming: "please, sell my some yarn!!!". And nobody does. All they seem to do is to confab at their vendours' booths and sigh: "oh how bad the business is; oh no, now if we sell yarn to that woman over there, then what would happen next? There would be another buyer and then another, and, oh no, our peace and quiet would be eternally gone."
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Ukko sock yarn by Riihivilla, here in a red shade dyed with madder and cochineal. |
Luckily I have long since located my trusted yarn shops: Utuna located in Petäjävesi, and Riihivilla located in Perniö. Both shops offer products that excell at fulfilling my humble requirements. In addition, shopping has been made easy; the colours are tempting; and the business concepts are cristal clear and idiosyncratic.

Pieleen mennyt nettiostosreissuni otti niin aivoon, että kaivoin lankakorista yhden vyyhdin Riihivillan punaista Ukkoa ja loin silmukat Judy Sumnerin kirjasta Knitted Socks East and West löytämääni Karate-mallin. Sekä langan väri että mallin nimi sopivat täsmällisesti fiiliksiini. Kiai!
I was so annoyed about my failed shopping experience that I dug a skein of Riihivilla's red Ukko sock yarn and casted on for a pair of Karate socks from Judy Sumner's book Knitted Socks East and West. Both the name of the pattern and the colour match my mood. Kiai!
1 kommentti:
Riihivillan värit ovat todella upeita ja vivahteikkaita! Punaisessa Ukko-langassasikin on kaunis sävy. Harmi, ettei Riihivillan nettiputiikissa ei vähään aikaan ole näkynyt värjättyä Ukkoa.
Itse kaipaisin myös hiukan eri värisiä luonnonsävyjä. Villa Laurilan kainuunharmas-sukkalangasta löytyi kaunis vaalea harmaa sävy.
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